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Ensure image is valid, try changing its format or try another image.") }) var source = document.createElement('source'); videoElement.appendChild(source); videoElement.autoplay = true; videoElement.addEventListener("loadeddata", function(e) { videoElement.setAttribute("controls","controls") videoElement.classList.remove("hidecontrols") }) source.addEventListener("error", function(e) { if(e.target.src == "" || e.target.src == window.location.href) { // this happens on startup and on setting src to "" // also tried setting src to "#" but then it fails on FF return; } window._vtInterface.haltWithError("Media could not be loaded", "This media could not be loaded. Ensure media is valid and has correct extension, otherwise try changing its format or try another media.") } ) window._vtAPI.on("intopReady", function(intop){ //ijson.setIntop(intop); window._vtInterface.set(intop); }) var obj = $("#v"); $('html').on('dragenter', function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }); $('html').on('dragover', function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }); $(obj).on('click', function(e){ e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); $('#f').click(); }) function prepare(e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); window._vtLogicController.markContentChanged(); // no new events for old content please window._vtInterface.removeOverlay(); window._vtInterface.intopAlert("Identifying.."); videoElement.pause(); startLocation = 0; lastContentTS = Date.now(); // this ts is used as content identifier in the backend so that it doesnt send intops for different video videoElement.removeAttribute("controls"); // will add later if video is playable videoElement.classList.add("hidecontrols") } $("#f").on('change', function(e){ prepare(e); loadFile(e.originalEvent.target.files[0]) }) function loadFile(f) { hideGrayAreas(); var url = URL.createObjectURL(f); if(f.type.substring(0,5) == "image") { videoElement.setAttribute("poster", url); source.setAttribute("src", ""); imageElement.setAttribute("src", url); } else { source.setAttribute("src", url); videoElement.setAttribute("poster", ""); } videoElement.load(); } $('html').on('drop', function(e) { prepare(e); var type = e.originalEvent.dataTransfer.types[0] if ((type == "text/plain") || (type == "text/uri-list") || (type == "text/x-moz-url")) { fetchURL(type, e); return; } loadFile(e.originalEvent.dataTransfer.files[0]) }); function hideGrayAreas() { document.getElementById('bot_bg').className = 'black'; document.body.className = 'black'; videoElement.style.background = 'black'; } function fetchURL(type, e) { var url; if (type == "text/plain") { url = e.originalEvent.dataTransfer.getData('Text'); // determine from url } else if ((type == "text/uri-list") || (type == "text/x-moz-url")) { // extract from html var imageUrl = e.originalEvent.dataTransfer.getData('text/html') if($(imageUrl).length > 0 ) { var img = $(imageUrl).filter('img'); if (img.length == 0 && $(imageUrl).children().length > 0 ) { img = $(imageUrl).find('img'); } url = img.attr('src'); } else { url = $(imageUrl).attr('src'); } } var isImage = (url.match(/\.(jpeg|jpg|gif|png)$/i) !== null) // now, check whether cross origin requests are supported on this resource // load image accordingly to result // its doesnt seem possible to check cross origin without loading an image // HEAD request results in: Refused to get unsafe header "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" // to allow head check, image also needs "Access-Control-Expose-Headers" which is rare loadWithMimeDetection(url, isImage); } function loadURL(url, isImage) { if(!isImage) { window._vtInterface.haltWithError("URL could not be loaded", "This image url could not be loaded. Ensure image url is valid. Try saving test image on your local filesystem and dragging file into this window."); return; } hideGrayAreas(); videoElement.setAttribute("poster", url); source.setAttribute("src", ""); imageElement.crossOrigin = "Anonymous"; imageElement.setAttribute("src", url); } function loadWithMimeDetection(url, isImage) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open("HEAD", url, true); xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { if (this.readyState == this.DONE) { var mime = xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Type"); if(typeof mime === 'String' || mime instanceof String){ isImage = (mime.substring(0,5) == "image"); } loadURL(url, isImage); return; } }; xhr.send(); xhr.onerror = function() { loadNonCors(url, isImage) } } function loadNonCors(url, isImage) { loadURL("/cors/?image_url="+encodeURIComponent(url), isImage); } $(document).on('dragenter', function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }); $(document).on('dragover', function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }); }}); function queryhtml5vid(videoElement) { if(videoElement.paused || videoElement.ended) return false; //if(videoElement.ended) return false; var data = paintOnCanvas(videoElement, videoElement.videoWidth, videoElement.videoHeight, 512, function(){setTimeout(queryhtml5vid, 250, videoElement)}) if(data == null){ return; } window._vtAPI.identify(data.imgd, "video", lastContentTS, data.w, data.h, startLocation, startLocation + 250); startLocation += 250; setTimeout(queryhtml5vid,250,videoElement); } //TODO: create uint8array view for the canvas data buffer, // much faster assigning than clampedarray. function paintOnCanvas(element, width, height, scaleBy, onerror) { //1. 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